Monday, June 19, 2017
2004 — June, 2017
This blog (“me” hereafter) began in mid-October, 2004, was very active for about five years, trailed off in frequency of postings, stopped in 2010, then got a couple of updates in 2014.
June 2017, I routed most all of the earlier “me” postings to other blogs, but many “me” postings were archived as outdated (about Middle East events of those times).
67 postings were routed to “our evolving.” All “oe” postings prior to Dec. 2010 are from “me.”
19 postings were routed to “discurive living.” All “dl” postings from 2010 and earlier are from “me.”
Three postings were routed to “conceptual prospecting”: Jan. 15 and July 1, 2008; and Dec. 27, 2010.
One posting was routed to “life world”: Aug. 20, 2006
Two postings from 2007 remain here. Forty-two were archived.